
ABRA RUGS Kft. (company registration number: Cg. 01-09-348526, registered office: 1126 Budapest, Ugocsa u. 2. 3.em. 3.a.; „ABRA”) as in accordance with the GDPR [Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation)] and other relevant applicable data protection laws, processes the personal data of the data subjects as follows.

In matters of data protection, interested parties may contact ABRA in writing at 1126 Budapest, Ugocsa utca 2. 3.em. 3.a., by phone at +36-30-4121980 or by e-mail at

ABRA only processes the personal data of data subjects on the appropriate legal basis, to the extent and for the time necessary to achieve the specific purpose. The following is an overview of the purposes for which we process the personal data of the data subjects, including the presentation of the purposes of the data processing. Each data management purpose contains information on the legal basis of data management, the scope of data management, the source of personal data, who can access personal data, and how long we store personal data. If the legal basis for the processing is a legitimate interest of ABRA or third parties, this Policy also provides information on the nature of such legitimate interest.

This Policy is effective from 15 October 2024.

ABRA handles the following personal data

Management of contact details before concluding a supplier / customer contract

The purpose of data management:

Persons acting on behalf of ABRA shall, in the course of their business negotiations (including Facebook and Instagram inquiries), contact representatives of other companies or individuals, during which the parties involved shall exchange contacts, send direct e-mails, exchange messages in the e-mail system, and exchange oral information whereas personal data are exchanged. Such business negotiations do not necessarily result in a contract, but the parties remain in contact with each other. We process personal data received from a representative of the other company or an individual concerned for the purpose of concluding a contract at a later date.

Legal basis:

It is in the legitimate interest of ABRA (Article 6 (1) (f) GDPR) to be able to contact a representative of another company or an individual with a view to a possible future contract.

Scope of personal data:

Data, typically name, e-mail address, telephone number provided by a representative or individual of a company or individual related to ABRA in a business card, e-mail signature or orally by the data subject.

Source of personal data:

A representative of a company related to ABRA, or an individual involved.

Recipient of personal data:


Retention period of personal data:

Until the data subject requests the deletion of his personal data, but not later than 30 days from the transfer of the personal data by the data subject, if no contract is concluded.

Management of contact details for contract partners (suppliers)

The purpose of data management:

During the performance of the contract concluded between ABRA and another company or private supplier (the “Supplier”) (the “Contract”), ABRA shall obtain the contact details of the Supplier's contacts and other natural persons acting in the Supplier's interest in the performance of the Contract and manage them in order to perform the Contract.

Legal basis:

It is in the legitimate interest of ABRA (Article 6 (1) (f) GDPR) to be able to contact the Supplier for the duration of the Contract in order to perform the Contract.

Scope of personal data:

Name, e-mail address, telephone number, position of the other natural person appointed by the Supplier to act or acting in the Supplier's interest during the performance of the Contract, or in the case of a natural person customer, individual entrepreneur card number, mother's name, place of birth, time, bank account details.

Source of personal data:

Another natural person appointed by the Supplier to maintain contact or acting in the interest of the Supplier during the performance of the Contract, as well as the natural person, being the Supplier.

Recipient of personal data:


Retention period of personal data:

30 days after the termination of the contract.

Management of contact and purchase data of Customers

The purpose of data management:

During the execution of the sales contract / order concluded between ABRA and another company or individual customer (the “Customer”) (the “Contract”), ABRA shall contact the persons specified in the Contract and other natural persons acting in the Customer's interest and gets acquainted with the data necessary for the performance and manages them in order to perform the Contract.

Usability of the website operated by ABRA (; the “Website”), e.g. creation of a contract for the provision of a service or purchase, definition of its content, modification, monitoring of its fulfillment, invoicing of the purchase price, and enforcement of related claims.

Legal basis:

It is in the legitimate interest of ABRA (Article 6 (1) (f) GDPR) to be able to contact the Customer for the duration of the Contract and the related warranty period in order to perform the Contract.

Scope of personal data:

Name, e-mail address, telephone number, position of another natural person appointed by the Customer to act as a contact person or acting in the Customer's interest in performing the Contract, or in case of a natural person customer, mother's name, place of birth, time, bank account details, address if it is the address or residence of the natural person customer.

Source of personal data:

Another natural person appointed by the Customer to keep in touch or acting in the Customer's interest in the performance of the Contract, as well as the natural person Customer.

Recipient of personal data:

ABRA and the courier company used by ABRA:

ASAP Hungária Kft. (Registered office: 1239 Budapest, Ócsai út 1-3.)

Retention period of personal data:

180 days after the performance of the Contract.

Data management for stakeholders subscribing to the newsletter

The purpose of data management:

The data processing is subject to the consent of the data subject (Article 6 (1) (a) of the GDPR), as well as to Act XLVIII of 2008 on the basic conditions and certain restrictions of commercial advertising. is based on Section 6 of the Act. The customer may expressly consent in advance to ABRA to contact him / her with the advertising offers and other items or to processing his / her personal data for the purpose of sending advertising offers. One can subscribe to the newsletter by confirming in email. When confirming, the person concerned must provide the personal data specified below and, in order to complete and finalize the registration, indicate in the statement that he/she has read this Policy. By indicating this statement, the data subject consents to the processing of his or her personal data in accordance with this Policy as set out below. The service provided by ABRA does not depend on the fact of subscribing to the newsletter.

Legal basis:

Data management is based on the consent of the data subject.

Scope of personal data:

Customer's first and last name, e-mail address.

Source of personal data:

All stakeholders registered for the newsletter of ABRA.

Recipient of personal data:


Retention period of personal data:

Personal data will be processed by ABRA until the unsubscription or the request of the data subject.

Cookies, improving the website user experience

The purpose of data management:

ABRA uses cookies on the Website, so-called uses cookies in order to collect and store information about ABRA's services according to the needs of the data subject by collecting and storing information about customer preferences, personal settings and identification when browsing the Website.

Cookies are small text files that the Website stores on the affected computer or mobile device that visits its pages. With the help of cookies, the Website remembers the actions and personal settings of the data subject for a certain period of time (e.g. user name, language, font size and other custom settings related to the display of the website), so the data subject does not have to re-enter them each time visiting a website or navigate from one tab to another.

When a customer visits the Website, the following types of cookies are used:

·         Temporary Cookies: These cookies are required for navigation on the Website. These cookies will be re-placed after 30 minutes or deleted after leaving the page.

·         Persistent cookies: These cookies are used to re-recognize the affected browser the next time one visits the Website. These cookies are stored on the affected computer until the customer manually deletes them.

·         Performance Cookies: The purpose of these cookies is for ABRA to collect anonymous data about the relevant user habits of the Website. These cookies register the subpages and links the customer visit. This will allow ABRA to better manage the data subject's preferences the next time he/she visit the Website. In this way, ABRA can provide interesting information and offers to the data subject. ABRA will store this data for 30 days.

·         Functionality Cookies: These cookies are used to store settings (such as language settings or font size settings) that the person has set on the Website. This improves the functionality of the Website for the convenience of the data subject. These cookies will be deleted after 30 minutes.

·         Third-Party Cookies: These cookies are used to collect anonymous information about the affected user habits on the Website and other websites. This will allow ABRA to better manage the preferences of the data subject the next time he/she visit the Website. In this way, ABRA can provide interesting information and offers to the data subject. Google Analytics, Pingdom, Polyfill, BingAds, and GoogleAdwords also use third-party cookies, which are described in more detail at: Google Analytics:  and  and Google AdWords:

The data subject has the option to maintain and / or delete cookies as desired. Visit for more information. The person concerned can delete all the cookies stored on their computer and, in most browsers, can disable their installation, i.e. they have the option of setting their browser so that it does not allow the unique identification mark to be placed on the person's computer. However, in this case, each time the person visits a particular page, he/she may have to make some settings manually and also consider that certain services and features may not work (for example, for customized solutions) or functions may not be used to the fullest by the person concerned.

Use the table below to find out exactly what cookies we use on the website and what their main features are.




Google Analytics

It stores data related to Google analytics

2 years

Facebook Pixel

Facebook stores pixel data

3 months


Stores the data of the logged in user



Stores whether the user has accepted the use of cookies



Forwards to the mailchimp the email address specified in the cart to the use


Mailchimp landing site

What page the user first came to when they opened the website

1 month


Tracks items in the cart



Tracks change of items in the cart



Previously viewed products



To read the basket data stored in the database

2 days


Store the current language of the website

1 day


Legal basis:

Voluntary, specific, well-informed and unambiguous consent of the data subject concerned (Article 6 (1) (a) GDPR) through the use of the Website. ABRA has a legitimate interest in achieving the objectives set for each type of Cookie (Article 6 (1) (f) GDPR).

Scope of personal data:

The IP address of the data subject's computer if the cookie listed above collects personal information.

Source of personal data:

User of the Website.

Recipient of personal data:


Retention period of personal data:

For the time specified in the description of the purpose of data management for each type of cookie.

Transfer of personal data to third countries or international organizations

ABRA or the recipients to whom ABRA grants access to personal data for the purposes listed above will not transfer personal data to third countries or international organizations.

Automated decision making

ABRA does not use personal data for automated decision making.

Data processing rights of data subjects

With regard to personal data processed by ABRA, the data subject may request that ABRA:

·         provide access to his/her personal data; in this context, the data subject may in particular be informed of whether his or her data are being processed, if so, for what purposes, which data are covered and, if relevant, who has access to his or her personal data. The data subject may also receive a copy of the data being processed;

·         correct the data subject’s inaccurate data or supplement the data subject’s incomplete personal data;

·         delete personal data, for example if the purpose of the processing has ceased or if the processing of the data subject's personal data was unlawful;

·         restrict the processing of the data subject's personal data;

·         allow data portability, which allows the data subject to obtain for himself or herself or another data controller the data relating to him or her previously provided to ABRA by the data subject in a structured and machine-readable format;

·         declare that the data subject is not covered by any decision based on automated data processing.

The data subject may also object to the processing of his or her personal data if the legal basis for the data processing is a legitimate interest or may file a complaint with the Data Protection Office. The contact details are as follows:

Hungarian National Authority for Data Protection and Freedom of Information

1055 Budapest, Falk Miksa utca 9-11.

Tel.: + 36-1-391-1400

Ways of exercising the data subjects’ rights

The data subject may exercise his/her rights by written or oral request. In order to ensure adequate protection of personal data processed by ABRA and to avoid misuse of data, ABRA has established the following rules for the verification of the identity of the data subject.

The data subject may exercise his or her rights in the following two forms:

Written request

To apply for the exercise of the relevant right, please write an email to  or contact us by letter at 1126 Budapest, Ugocsa utca 2. 3.em. 3.a. in both cases, ABRA may subsequently request that the data subject duly prove his or her identity.

Oral request

The data subject may also apply for the exercise of the specific right in person at the seat or premises of ABRA. The identity of the data subject shall be verified by a designated employee of ABRA on presentation of one of the following personal documents: an identity card, passport or other identity card capable of clearly identifying the data subject.

The exercise of the data subject's rights does not affect the rights of third parties.

If the data subject's requests are manifestly unfounded or excessive, in particular because of their repetitive nature, ABRA may charge a reasonable fee to respond to the data subject's request, which shall not, however, exceed the cost of providing the above information or ensuring the data subject's rights are exercised.

Is it mandatory to provide your personal information?

If ABRA processes personal data with the consent of the data subject, the processing of such data is voluntary. In this case, the data subject is not obliged to give consent or transfer his or her personal data.

The data subject's consent to the processing of his or her personal data is a voluntary, specific and well-informed and clear statement of the data subject's consent to the processing of personal data concerning him or her by means of a statement or other clear confirmation.

ABRA may disclose the data of the data subject on various legal bases, e.g. in order to perform the contract, to fulfill a legal obligation or on the basis of a legitimate interest. In such a case, the processing of the data subject's personal data is necessary in order for ABRA, for example, to conclude a contract with the data subject or to fulfill its legal obligation. If the data subject decides not to provide his or her personal data, it would not be possible to enter into a contract or fulfill certain legal obligations.

How and when can one withdraw his/her consent to the processing of personal data?

The person concerned may withdraw his or her consent at any time, even before the end of the period for which he or she has given his or her consent.

One can withdraw consent electronically, by e-mail to or in writing sent to the following address: 1126 Budapest, Ugocsa utca 2. 3.em. 3.a.

Withdrawal of the data subject's consent shall not affect the processing of his or her personal data prior to the withdrawal.


We use cookies to ensure you get the best experience on our website.